Is Olive Oil Beneficial In Reducing Cholesterol Levels.

The popularity that olive oil has achieved is not merely superficial. Olive oil has proven to be a front runner in healthy fats which provide our body with numerous health benefits. But the benefits that it offers to our body when it is consumed on a regular basis are numerous. The effect, however, that it has the cholesterol levels in our body is simply one of the many benefits that it offers. This benefit, though has been found to be among the most sought-after benefit by most people in this day and age. But how exactly does olive oil do that? Have a look

Being a low cholesterol cooking oil, it has been found to be wonderful in increasing the level of good cholesterol in our body and decreasing the level of bad cholesterol in the body.

This is exactly why olive oil in India has become so popular nowadays. However, to understand the working of the oil better, we need to understand what cholesterol is first.

You cannot ignore the fact that in our daily diet, certain nutrients need to be present to ensure that that the diet is a balanced one. There is a whole list of such nutrients, but the one we will talk about here are lipids or fats. Lipids or fats are also essential nutrients but what needs to be taken into consideration is that it is present in the right quantity. If that is not taken care of, then a high level of fats present in the body could end up causing a variety of serious cardiovascular issues.

The rise in cholesterol levels takes place when there is a change in the lipids or fat levels in the blood. This rise is usually spotted because the lipids end up lining the walls of the arteries. If the lipids lining the arteries keep increasing it could also potentially lead to a number of heart issues and complications. This type of cholesterol or lipid are called% LDL. HDL on the other hand is good cholesterol and is beneficial for the health.

What does high cholesterol levels bring with it?

A cholesterol level of anywhere from 240 or more is considered unhealthy and dangerous.

These are some issues that might happen if your cholesterol level is high:


heart issues or

angina among many other issues.

This is why an oil like olive oil makes for an amazing addition to your daily diet since it helps decrease the bad cholesterol levels in the body.

How does that work? Read on.

Here are a few reasons as to why olive oik has been proven helpful in reducing cholesterol.

Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats: Monounsaturated fats help reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood while increasing the levels of good cholesterol levels in the blood.

High cholesterol levels can be caused by foods that are high in saturated fats like meats and dairy. Such food products need to be eaten in moderation. Using a low cholesterol cooking oil olive oil or extra virgin olive oil could go a long way in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels in the body with very little effort.

Even among olive oil, extra virgin olive oil contains more monounsaturated fats when compared to ordinary olive oil.

Another reason it is so is because extra virgin olive oil is directly extracted from the olives without any heat and in the most natural process. This is why the oil does not end up losing any of its nutrients. Polyphenols, another component of extra virgin olive oil has been known to be extremely beneficial as it helps keep many diseases like cancer at bay.

As a result, it can be seen that the regular use of olive oil, particularly extra virgin olive oil has been found to be amazingly beneficial in reducing the cholesterol levels in the body to a great extent. This is why, switching to using olive oil as your oil of choice could potentially prove be life saving for you.
