The importance of washing the car even if it is not used

In addition to talking about the image of the owner or the person who drives it, it is important that the car is clean in order to take care of the appearance of the bodywork, as well as remove dirt from the interior.

Even this habit of keeping the car clean should be given even when the vehicle is parked for days, especially if it is exposed to the elements or if it lives on the beach -this is due to the humidity and the level of salt-.

For those who leave the car in a parking lot, the ideal is to protect the car with a cover, this in order to prevent it from getting dirty as little as possible and from suffering scratches, even more so if it is a public parking lot.

If you do not have the cover or want to spend on it, it is recommended to wash the car once a week to remove the accumulated dust on the bodywork. For those who live on or near the beach, this also helps remove salt that eventually causes corrosion.

If the car is outdoors, either on the street or in a parking lot, it should not go more than a week without washing it, since in addition to the dust (and salt if applicable), the bodywork can be leaf cover, dirt, and/or bird droppings.

Why is it important to clean the car even when it is not used?

Undoubtedly, the worst enemy of a car, mainly the bodywork, is dust, which accumulates more when it is not washed or spends too many days without being used.

And it is that, in addition to giving a bad appearance, the bodywork is damaged because each dust particle is like a microscopic stone that, by having friction with the sheet, can cause damage. So, if we add each of them, the risk of scratching the paint is high.

Now, taking into account that the dust is a set of tiny stones, care must be taken when washing, and not just cleaning for cleaning. If what you want is to do it in the best way, it is important to use water and a microfiber towel.

If possible, apply pressurized water or a detailing spray that is sold in auto stores, this in order to perfectly remove the impregnated dust, but without the need to use water. Once removed, the dust is recommended to use shampoo with wax, this with the aim that the dust is not so easily impregnated in the bodywork.

How to do a thorough washing of the car upholstery

Car Washing Services in Christchurch


