9 Myths About Grief And The Grieving Process Everyone Should Know

The passing away of a person you hold close to your heart is one of the saddest and most agonizing things you have to accept. You constantly miss his or her presence, and you find yourself frequenting to that person’s resting place. Some people choose to cremate their loved one’s body so they can keep the ashes in an urn, and safeguard it in a personal space. Others opt to turn the ashes into rings so they can have it with them wherever they go. 

There’s no single method of coping up with the death of a loved one. But there are some misconceptions that people tend to believe when it comes to the grieving process. Here are nine of them. 

Grieving is but a sign of a weakness

When you grieve the death of someone, it doesn’t mean that you are weak and are that vulnerable and emotional. It’s but natural to cry and be sorrowful when a person you love isn’t there anymore. 

Grieving is more intense among women

Men grieve just like women. And the intensity varies among individuals, regardless of the gender orientation. 

Grieving follows a certain pattern

There’s no specific pattern to the grieving process. While others point out stages like denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance -- there’s actually no linear or progressive way of grieving the passing of a loved one. 

Grieving is about letting go

When you grieve, you don’t let go of the person -- you only accept that he or she is no longer there, and all that’s left you are memories and mementos. These days, popular keepsakes include the turning of his or her ashes into rings or ashes to jewellery UK

Grieving means spending time alone

It’s true that grievers need some time alone, but not always. Though they may not say it, they need someone to give them comfort. A person with whom they can share the pain with. 

Grieving is exclusive to family members and close friends

There’s no exclusivity when it comes to the grieving process. Just because you’ve only known the deceased in a short span of time doesn’t mean you can’t show how heart-aching it is for you to learn that he or she has already passed away. 

Grieving can be avoided when one keeps himself/herself busy

You cannot escape the grieving process just by keeping yourself busy with work and other things. The sadness will spring up even in your busiest days, and it will linger somewhere in the corner of your heart even if you try to suppress it. 

Grieving has an expiration date

Grieving can last a lifetime. It has no end date, so stop forcing yourself to get over this process as quickly as possible. 

Grieving is a measure of how much you love the person who passed away

The intensity of how much you grieve doesn’t equate to the intensity of your love for the person who passed away. We all have different ways to cope up and accept the truth -- and this is something we should all learn to respect.
